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Retiree Chapter's 2018 Annual Meeting


IBEW 46 Hall
19802 62nd Ave. So.
Rm. 105
Kent, WA
United States

Merrilee Miron
Merrilee Miron

This annual meeting is open to all retirees and others interested in attending. A representative from the Attorney General's office will speak on consumer fraud and scams.

BUSINESS MEETING – to start at 11:00 a.m. – DRAFT AGENDA
• Introduction
• Minutes from 2017 Meeting
• Confirmation (Election) of Appointed Officers
• Consideration of Amendment to the Bylaws - Article V, Section 1 (page 2)
• Resolutions
• Legislative Report by Bernal Baca, AFT Washington Lobbyist
• Adjourn at 12:30 p.m.
SPECIAL PROGRAM – Starting at 1:00 p.m. we will have a speaker from the Attorney General’s office on Consumer Fraud and Scams.
Lunch is provided so please RSVP to Merrilee Miron by Friday, May 11 so we can make sure we have enough lunches for everyone. 

The event is free.

For your preview:
To amend Article V, Section 1. Officers - by inserting after the sentence ending in “and five (5) directors” the following sentence: “If the chapter so desires, the same person may hold both offices of Secretary and Treasurer.”
The following information is presented to put the proposed amendment into the context of the bylaws. The actual bylaw amendment that will be voted on is above.
As the bylaws presently read:
Section 1. Officers. There shall be the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five (5) Directors. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter.
If amended, the bylaws will read:
Section 1. Officers. There shall be the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five (5) Directors. If the chapter so desires, the same person may hold both offices of Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter.
Proposed by the Board of Directors.
Rationale: The AFT Washington Retirees Chapter Treasurer is not charged with the custody of the funds, the actual sending of payments, or maintaining the records. The AFT Washington staff receives, sends payments, and maintains the records. Therefore, it is reasonable for the offices of secretary and treasurer to be handled by one person.

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