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Social Security and Medicare Celebration in Seattle


Westlake Park
401 Pine St
Seattle, WA 98101
United States


Happy Birthday to

** Medicare 50th **
** Social Security 80th **


FEATURING -  Perfomers: Kore Ionz Daniel Pak * Blue Scholars' Geo* Singer-Songwriter Jim Page. Speakers: Sen. Pramila Jayapal, WA Legislature * Hon. Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Council * Gerald Hankerson, Seattle King County NAACP * Marcellus Owens, WA Community Action Network * Heather Villanueva, SEIU 775 * Rebecca Saldana, Puget Sound SAGE * Lynne Dodson, WA State Labor Council * Dr. Hugh Foy, Physicians for a National Health Program * Jackie Boschok, WA Alliance for Reitred Americans.


SPONSORED BY: Social Security Works - Washington

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