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Union 101

AFT Washington provides these links for information only and is not responsible for content on these websites.


Public Employees Constitutional Right to a Predetermination Hearing, aka "Loudermill Rights"


Employee's Right to Union Representation


Labor and Working-Class History Association (LWCHA)

LAWCHA is an organization of scholars, teachers, students, labor educators, and activists who seek to promote public and scholarly awareness of labor and working-class history through research, writing, and organizing. Visit their website at where you can find labor history news, events, actions, and more.

Workers' Rights Manual

This is an invaluable resource that offers easy access to lots of vital information about workers’ rights in Washington State.  It can be downloaded for free at The Labor Education and Research Center's website in both English & Spanish –

Labor Education and Research Center has lots of resources

Looking for classes on organizing or shop steward training? Want to find out about labor history in our state? How about checking out a labor video for your next member meeting? You can find all of this and much more through the Washington State Labor Education and Research Center at which is located at the Georgetown Campus branch of South Seattle Community College.